
Mid-Atlantic Lighthouse Stamps are now available

Stamps depicting the beauty, mystery and romance of lighthouses that have fascinated and enchanted people for centuries continue in 2021 with the issuance of Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses, the latest in the Postal Service’s continuing series of lighthouse stamps.

The Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses stamps are now being sold at Post Office locations nationwide and online at

The Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses are the seventh installment in the Postal Service’s long-running lighthouse series. Howard Koslow (1924-2016) was the artist for these stamps, as well as for previous issuances in the Lighthouses series. Each stamp features an original acrylic painting by Koslow, based on photographs of the lighthouses. Greg Breeding was the stamp designer and art director.

2 thoughts on “Mid-Atlantic Lighthouse Stamps are now available

    1. They were discontinued years ago, unfortunately. We wish they were still selling them! If you’re willing to pay a lot, you might be able to buy sheets of the stamps on Amazon or eBay.

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