
Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse, Florida, Virtual Tour on June 18

We invite you to join the U.S. Lighthouse Society and the Hillsboro Lighthouse Preservation Society for a virtual tour (via Zoom) of a beautiful and historic light station on Florida’s east coast, on Saturday, June 18, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. EST (that’s 3:00 p.m. CST; 2:00 p.m. MST; and 1:00 PST).

Hillsboro Inlet Light Station, Florida. Photo by Ralph Krugler.

Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse was established in 1907 on the north side of Hillsboro Inlet, midway between Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton. It marks the northern limit of the Florida Reef, an underwater coral formation on the lower east coast of the state. The octagonal iron skeletal tower stands 138 feet tall and still has its operational second-order bivalve Fresnel lens.

Ralph Krugler in the lantern room in Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse.

The Hillsboro Lighthouse Preservation Society was founded in 1997 for the purpose of preserving the light station in its original form for the safety, enjoyment, and education of the public.

The Hillsboro Lighthouse Preservation Society’s historian, Ralph Krugler, spent several years researching his book, The (Almost) Complete History of the Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse. In this Zoom event, Ralph will take participants on a virtual tour of the lighthouse and grounds, as well as discussing highlights of the site’s history. Also discussed will be preservation efforts and public tours of the station.

Hosted by USLHS historian Jeremy D’Entremont. The event is free; advance registration is required.

Click here to register: https://bit.ly/3xy6uwZ

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