The US Lighthouse Society is venturing into the world of social media! In order to expose those who may not be natural lighthouse lovers, we are trying to attract them by utilizing people’s other passions.
We recently ran a TikTok dance contest. Contestants were asked to create a dance in, or by, a lighthouse. The winner was the entrant with the most “likes” on their post. Interestingly enough, the winner was not from North America, but South Korea!

Micksan Lala, a farmer in Seochon, South Korea, filmed his brother Daniel in front of the Jeju lighthouse.
See the video by clicking here!
Runner up to the Lalas was an entry by Tara Ferguson, who had a clever idea of shadow dancing on the Bakers Island lighthouse. They even had a family dog participate.

But we’re not done yet! We’re also running an art contest on Instagram!
We began this last month, but ran into a snafu, so we’re kick-starting it up again! The contest is for any type of painting, sketch, doodle, digital, 3D, etc.
Here is an example from our first go-around:

And this clever one:

We love the creativity and talent of these artists. Now it’s time to show off your skills too!
The country is broken into regions and we’re beginning with the west. All California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Pacific territories.
Winners will be highlighted in the USLHS Lighthouse News of the Week and on our other social media platforms.

If dancing, or art isn’t your cup of tea, then there’s the Instagram Fog Horn Challenge!
Dates for the contest will be announced soon. The winner will be the person receiving the most “likes” to their fog horn imitation. The reward will be an upper level membership to the USLHS for one year, USLHS t-shirt, USLHS hat, The Keeper’s Log magazine for one year, and lapel pin (a $200 value)!

It will be simple to join. Just post a 3 – 10 second video doing your best fog horn (with your mouth) impression. There will be a special hashtag so we can find your video.
For examples of fog horns click here , here , here , here , here , here , here , here , and here
Keep a lookout for future announcements on start/end dates. If you have any questions just email