News · Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers Needed for Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse Tours

thomas_point_shoal-loresVolunteers are needed to help conduct tours aboard the Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse, an offshore station in the Chesapeake Bay. An informational meeting  will be held at the Annapolis Maritime Museum, 723 Second Street, Annapolis, Maryland, on February 11, 2017. Light refreshments at 8:30am followed by the meeting at 9:00am sharp. Training is provided. Volunteers work in teams to greet and register visitors and to interpret this National Historic Landmark lighthouse. Register by February 4 via email to Parents of volunteers who are under 18 years of age should also attend.

Submitted by Bob Stevenson, Education Coordinator, Chesapeake Chapter, U.S. Lighthouse Society, January 16, 2017

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U.S. Lighthouse Society News is produced by the U.S. Lighthouse Society to support lighthouse preservation, history, education and research. Please consider joining the U.S. Lighthouse Society if you are not already a member. If you have items of interest to the lighthouse community and its supporters, please email them to

2 thoughts on “Volunteers Needed for Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse Tours

  1. Linda & I are looking for opportunities to volunteer as “keepers”/tour guides/hosts at United States Lighthouses. I am an Architect/Contractor (retiring) and she is a teacher (Grades K-12; retired).
    We are looking for opportunities beginning after September 2023. We have found many individual local Historical Society owned/managed locations and are wondering if there might be a searchable collated data base of such opportunities.

    1. There is no one source for such opportunities. You might want to contact the Friends of Seguin Island in Maine and the Thacher Island Association in Massachusetts; they have seasonal caretakers. You might also want to contact the Port Washington Historical Society in Wisconsin, as they are in the process of developing a resident caretaker/”keeper” program for the Port Washington Lighthouse. Otherwise, I suggest you scan through the Lighthouse Directory at to look for opportunities.

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