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Calendar Submissions

Great Orme Llandudno Wales telegraph room by Henry Harding copy
The Great Orme Lighthouse, Llandudno, Wales, former telegraph room by Henry Harding

Society members have been sharing their favorite images for the Society’s 2018 Calendar contest.  One of the more unusual interior images was submitted by Henry Harding who wrote,

This is a unique feature to be found in a lighthouse. It is a Telegraph Room and is in the Great Orme Lighthouse near Llandudno Wales. It is not an electrical telegraph, but a Semaphore Telegraph. In the windows you can see green plugs in spherical gimbals. The gimbals are for the telescopes so the operator could see the next telegraph station and interpret what the semaphore message was saying. They then would copy what they saw to confirm what was being transmitted to the previous station. Of course when they put that up, the next station would see the new message and copy back to this station. This particular system passed messages from Liverpool to Holyhead (pronounced Hollyhead). They could send messages in a matter of minutes even though there were ten stations to this system. The first Semaphore Telegraph System was developed in France in 1790. This one was developed around 1840.

The lantern room in the Great Orme Lighthouse is on the first floor below the windows of this room. It contained a 1st Order Fresnel. The lens is currently in a small museum on top of the Great Orme. There is a Cable Car which runs out of Llandudno directly to that small museum. There also is shopping at another building there as well. It is a fun trip.

For more on the Great Orme Lighthouse see The deadline for submission in this Friday, September 15. For more information on submitting, see

Submitted by Candace Clifford, September 12, 2017

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