Light Hearted

Light Hearted ep 30 – Keeper Sally Snowman, Boston Light, pt 2

Sally Snowman in her early days in the Coast Guard Auxilary next to the second-order Fresnel lens at Boston Light. Photo by Jay Thomson.

In part two of Jeremy D’Entremont’s two-part interview with Sally Snowman, keeper of Boston Light Station on Little Brewster Island in Boston Harbor, Sally discusses Sammy the Boston Light Dog, subject of a children’s book that Sally wrote. Sally and Jeremy then share some of the ghost stories of America’s oldest light station.

Boston Light Station, photo by Jeremy D’Entremont

Sally tells what it’s like on Little Brewster Island in bad storms, and talks about her favorite parts of island life. The recent storm damage and the future of public tours on the island is discussed.

Children of Keeper Ralph Norwood on the fog cannon, circa 1930s.
Courtesy of Willie Emerson.

Jeremy and co-host Cindy Johnson also review the history of fog signals on Little Brewster Island, beginning with the 1719 fog cannon — the first fog signal on the North American continent.

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