Located in the Straits of Mackinac, it was deactivated in 1912, replaced by White Shoal Lighthouse to the north.
Waugoshance Lighthouse (MI) endangered by erosion
High water levels on Lake Michigan, combined with storms, have damaged the foundation of Waugoshance Lighthouse. “I drove by it and there was a gaping, glaring hole in the foundation that hadn’t been there before,” tour operator Brent Tompkins recently said.
Chris West, president of the board for Waugoshance Lighthouse Preservation Society, said, “We’re losing a lot of stones, which are starting to break apart from the wave action. We need to figure out something quickly.”
Click here for more on this story
Click here for the Waugoshance Lighthouse Preservation Society website
Click here for the WLPS Facebook page
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Danish lighthouse moved to safety

The 75-foot-tall Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse in Denmark, built in 1900, was moved back about 650 feet from the edge of an eroding cliff on Tuesday. Kjeld Pedersen, a local mason, oversaw the operation, which was broadcast on television.
You can read more about this story here and here.
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Executive Director of Ponce Inlet Lighthouse repairs damaged Fresnel lens for movie premiere

Ponce Inlet Lighthouse executive director Ed Gunn had the unique opportunity to fly out to Los Angeles on October 14 to repair the reproduction third-order Fresnel lens used in the filming of New Regency Production’s recently released movie The Lighthouse starring Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson.
The lens was fabricated by Dan Spinella of Artworks Florida specifically for the film. It was transported to Nova Scotia by Dan in the spring of 2018 and installed in a faux lighthouse erected on the rocky coast of Nova Scotia.
Click here to read more of this story.
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Groundbreaking tomorrow for expansion of Old Lighthouse Museum in Stonington, CT
The Stonington Historical Society has announced that it will begin the first phase of its $2.75 million renovation and expansion of the Old Lighthouse Museum later this month. A groundbreaking, open to the public, is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 26, at 11 a.m.

Phase 1, which will begin this month, involves work inside the museum, such as installing an HVAC system to create a climate-controlled environment to better preserve artifacts, repair structural damage caused by insects and water, refinish floors, install new electrical wiring and repaint exterior masonry work. Phase 2, which will consist of a 500-square-foot addition to the rear of the museum to house a handicapped-accessible bathroom and ticketing area, will begin after Phase 1 is complete.
Click here to read more about this story
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Halloween Lighthouse Boat Tour & Party on the East River, NY
Join the National Lighthouse Museum for a Halloween tour up the East River to Execution Rocks Lighthouse! Leaving from the museum’s pier 1 at Staten Island. With a DJ and buffet dinner, awards for the best costumes.

Adults only, $77 per person, cash bar
Click here or call 718-390-0040 for more info
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U.S. Lighthouse Society News is produced by the U.S. Lighthouse Society to support lighthouse preservation, history, education and research. Please support this news feature by joining the U.S. Lighthouse Society if you are not already a member.
If you have items of interest to the lighthouse community and its supporters, please email them to Jeremy at Jeremy@uslhs.org

U.S. Lighthouse Society Historian Jeremy D’Entremont is the author of 24 books and hundreds of articles on lighthouses and maritime history. He is a past president of the American Lighthouse Foundation and founder of Friends of Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouses, and he has lectured and narrated cruises throughout the Northeast and in other regions. He is also the producer and host of the U.S. Lighthouse Society’s weekly podcast, “Light Hearted.” He can be emailed at Jeremy@uslhs.org