Lighthouses in Art · News · Society Members

Lighthouses as Inspiration

Lightship 95, London, England, by Elaine Marie Austin

My love of lighthouses has not only transformed the way I travel, but the way I live. When I am not traveling to a lighthouse, I am often writing about or painting lighthouses. I’ve painted lighthouses in Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Massachusetts, New Orleans, New York, London and Ireland. I am intrigued by the many varieties and designs of lighthouses. My favorite memories are of Lightship 95 in London. It is converted into music studio. Another favorite is the abandoned Milneburg Lighthouse on the campus of New Orleans University. In these paintings, I capture their eternal essence—undaunted by time and circumstance.

Milneburg or Port Pontchartrain Lighthouse, New Orleans, Louisiana, by Elaine Marie Austin

I am drawn to lighthouses because of their noble past and precarious future. For centuries lighthouses have faithfully served as guardians of the sea. Now the past and the present are merging as lighthouses once again become drivers of the economy. Lighthouses are popular tourist destinations. Business owners complained when Port Isabel Lighthouse in Texas was temporarily closed. Lighthouses are worthy of preservation for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations. Because of my firm belief in the importance of lighthouses, I have created a family lighthouse workshop. I hope my lighthouse workshop and paintings will inspire others to visit, love and appreciate lighthouses as much as I do.

Submitted by Society Member Elaine Marie Austin, February 1, 2018. You can see more of her lighthouse-inspired creations at or read her blog at

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