Awards · News · USLHS

U.S. Lighthouse Society is Honored with American Lighthouse Foundation’s “Keeper of the Light” Award

The American Lighthouse Foundation’s Keeper of the Light award is designed to honor those individuals and organizations in the national lighthouse community who have contributed in a significant manner to the preservation of America’s lighthouses and their rich heritage. On May 1, 2022, ALF presented the nonprofit United States Lighthouse Society with a Keeper of the Light award during… Continue reading U.S. Lighthouse Society is Honored with American Lighthouse Foundation’s “Keeper of the Light” Award


2020 F. Ross Holland Lifetime Achievement Award

America’s national lighthouse organizations are marking National Lighthouse Day by awarding lifetime achievement honors to recipients in North Carolina, Massachusetts and Arizona who have made major contributions to preserving this nation’s lighthouses and their historic legacy. Only 13 individuals have been honored previously since the F. Ross Holland Award was instituted 20 years ago. The… Continue reading 2020 F. Ross Holland Lifetime Achievement Award

Affiliates · Awards · News

Anne Webster-Wallace Receives Holland Award

The American Lighthouse Council, now an affiliate of the United States Lighthouse Society, marked National Lighthouse Day this year by presenting the nation’s top lighthouse preservation honor to Anne Webster-Wallace of Maine. Anne was the force behind the 1996 Maine Lights Program, the prototype lighthouse transfer program that served four years later as a template… Continue reading Anne Webster-Wallace Receives Holland Award

Awards · News · Society Members

Ralph Eshelman Receives Ross Holland Award

Established by the American Lighthouse Council to recognize truly exceptional contributions by an individual or group, the Holland Award is the major national honor bestowed by the lighthouse preservation community. It is named for Francis Ross Holland, Jr., who received the initial Distinguished Service Award that was to henceforth carry his name. Dr. Eshelman was… Continue reading Ralph Eshelman Receives Ross Holland Award